Sunday, September 28, 2008


About "LDN TABERNACLE" as the Author of these stories which are made to be a CHRONICLE of ADVENTURES by 'Mormons' who are 'lost' in an ever increasingly technological world, yet who seem to keep finding them selves in 'low tech' TREASURE HUNTS etc; all the while lerning something about the American Experience across the Continent, well, as the Author of these stories which are made for ONE DAY being on CELL-PHONES as a COMIC-CHARACTER CARTOON FEATURE "NOVELA"
($1 per day per 24 words) ...well, anyway...this is just to explain how you may see or hear about one or another as if it were already a COMIC BOOK or ANIME or "NOVELA"...and so now let's just outline the idea of the story to date. A large band of "BRANCHED OFF" (ORIGINAL) "MORMONS" (BAPTIST .."OLD BELIEVER"/AMISH/MENNONITE/.QUAKER-SHAKER/SEVENTH-DAY/CHURCH-of-CHRIST/GREEK-ORTHODOX/CELTIC CHURCH etc kind of a thing) who hold the KING JAMES BIBLE to be 'inspired' and call themselves the "PEOPLE of the TWO BOOKS" are forced to leave their SECRET TEMPLE in the MIDDLE of MANHATTAN...due to the TERRORIST ATTACK of SEPT the turmoil and wreackhage has revealed an ENTIRE "CITY WITHIN A CITY" of PARKS & MEADOWS & COWS & CORN, etc....and now SAVAGE CRIMINAL GANGS called "PROTECTED MINORITIES" are TUNNELING into the "HEARTLAND" seeing the broken FACADES of what had appeared to be "APARTMENT BUILDINGS" and "OLD TENEMENTS" and "FACTORIES" and "WAREHOUSES" which perhaps contained "LOFTS" this was a CITY for over 100 years...and a true
GHETAATO" as it was a "GATED COMMUNITY", self-contained, with its own DRINKING WATER SUPPLY and various other "COLONIES" within NEW YORK on a much smaller scale were also linked by indentical philosphy of PEACE & LOVE & BROTHERHOOD.

Now they had to move out West to their "HOMELAND" an area which stretches from MISSOURI into UTAH. That "HOMELAND" is always there for them even when they leave for the "PROMISED LAND" which is the WAST COAST. There in LOS ANGELES they discover that their LDN TABERNACLE had a "BRANCH" which stretched from MEXICO CITY to ST LOUIS and is a power-house in the POLITICAL WORLD area which LDN of NEW YORK & QUEBEC had tried to steer away from.

The entire set of stories is quite entertaining...PG RATED and will of course be edited to their correct CONTINUITY...via DIRECTION from the AUTHOR...we had started as an EXPERIMENTAL WRITING PROJECT in the NEW MEDIUMS but now this has become something of a "WORK-IN-PROGRESS" etc requiring about $4,000,000 to finish up.

LDN TABERNACLE Copyright 2008 Joe Clazbein


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